Oh the joy and merriment that is Easter! I've been looking forward to Easter in France almost as much as [a white] Christmas (but not quite, don't worry), and it didn't disappoint!
Because the Baylarts (current host family - do I have to keep saying this?! I only have 3 families! And two of them are sisters!) drove to Simon's soccer tournament which was a 3-hour drive away and took up the whole day anyway, I spent Saturday and Sunday with my two other host mums (the ones that are sisters, remember?) and their family/cousins.
Egg hunt! Aka: Chasse des oeufs with my adorable host cousin Florian |
Spent Saturday night at Catherine's house (just eyeing off the territory for when I move there on the 1st May) with Catherine + Marie-Anne's brother Francois and his family. (3 kids - including Florian!) Went down to the local with my cousins to meet Angelina (Jade's sister) there - cousinly bonding time; we're now besties.
Cleverly hidden, eh? |
Everyone turned up at Marie-Anne's house the next day - at 12:30pm! Easter starts pretty late in France. Or it might have just been because nobody could be bothered to get out of bed. (Except ME! I'm as bad as the overexcited five-year-old, jumping around the house in my pyjamas!)
Eggs everywhere! |
So we had a SUPER EXCITING egg hunt (with Florian leading the chase, naturally), then had an amazing FRENCH EASTER LUNCH!!
The art of pouring champagne - seriously, this is a handed-down-since-generations skill! |
Also, because Marie-Anne is vegetarian, we had (amongst other dishes) EASTER TOFU! Well not specifically for Easter, BUT TOFU!!! And guess what? It was DELICIOUS. No one was more surprised than me. So this means that from July to January when I live there, I probably won't starve to death!* Woohoo!
*This is a joke. Meat is not actually banned from the house or something - I just have to cook it myself.
Paté de Pâques |
A good-and-proper Pâques tradition is the Paté de Pâques - it's normal paté but wrapped in pastry! Double the fat. Yummo.
After the meal (and cheese) it was chill-out time because no one could fit in dessert. The adults and Florian went for a drive, while the lazy teenagers watched Edward Scissorhands (In French: Edward "Mains d'argent" - silver hands. But that's stupid. No one cares that his hands are silver - the important thing here is that they are SCISSORS! Should really be Edward Mains de Ciseaux. SO THERE.)
Spring is here! All the flowers are popping out! |
Then everyone came back for dessert (rhubard tart) and to give Florian his birthday presents (he turned 5 the week before). In the end, a pretty top weekend. And I got to do it all over again the next day (another Paté de Pâques...) when the Baylarts came home!
Oh and sometimes the Paté de Pâques has an egg in the middle. This was Monday's Easter |
haha at Edward Silver Hands, the meaning kind of gets lost in translation :P although Im sure it would still be my favourite movie even in French
ReplyDeletethose flowers are SO BEAUTIFUL!!
Hahahhaa told ya you gonna like tofu! ;). Nice garden anyway and the litlle boy is so cuuute. mouhaha love my cousin :D.